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Responsible Conduct of Research 

This course introduced the responsible conduct of science and scientific research and the consequences of not being conscientious. I witnessed numerous examples of researchers that conducted scientific misconduct and there was a clear-cut right and wrong, but there were many areas where the correct choices were not always obvious.


The information I learned from this course gave me a foundation to be more knowledgeable in how to make these difficult correct choices. For example, my perspective on research was influenced by completing a RetractionWatch presentation where the authors retracted their own work after realizing a "systematic error" in the mental health database they used for their research.


Through taking this course, I learned guidelines on how to navigate Plagiarism, Mentoring, Discrimination, Data Acquisition, and Management/ownership for the research conducted. I am confident that with continuing my graduate education I will apply what I have covered in this course which will continue to help me and extend throughout my time as a graduate student, onto my professional career.

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